Saturday, March 21, 2015

Update on Security Breach

Hello again,

I am happy to announce that the security situation on this blog is taken care of. I am currently back in charge of Between the Party Lines, and most of the issues on the site have been fixed. Particularly, there was a nasty computer virus embedded in the site; it has been contained, but I would highly suggest that anyone who visited the site during the breach run a security scan on their personal computers.

I am not currently at liberty to discuss the details of the breach, but I can say that the perpetrator of the breach is supposedly located somewhere in the Middle East, most likely Turkey according to recent analysis by the folks at Fort Meade. It is unknown whether or not the perpetrator has ISIS connections; it seems unlikely at this time but cannot be ruled out. If it is the case, this would be a calculated attack on US cyber-security, making it a direct first strike. This sort of attack cannot and will not be tolerated, and rest assured that if this is the case I will not hesitate to pressure this great nation's cyber-security firms to retaliate. I can also confirm that no user data on the site, aside from my own password and details, were stolen. Again, I urge those concerned to change their password on Blogger and other Google-connected websites, however it's not something I'd suggest losing any sleep over.

Speaking of losing sleep, on a personal note I have not been sleeping well lately. Between the constant busy schedule I keep and nightmares over the security breach, I've become a bit of an insomniac lately. Particularly, the dreams involve some sort of large wolf-like creature, with multiple red and glowering eyes. It never does much, only seems to observe, but it honestly frightens me for some reason. Now, I'm no believer in dream interpretation, however I do think that this multiple-eyed beast has something to do with my concerns over the data breach... probably just my brain's strange way of interpreting the anxiety of having my blog hacked.

I might not believe in dream interpretation, but I do believe in the Lord Our God, and He has certainly been trying to reassure me during these tough times. I believe He has been sending an angel to me in my dreams to calm me. Why do I say this? Over the past few nights, I've also been dreaming of such an angel... incredibly tall and rather on the thin side, with enormous grey wings and a pale, porcelain-masked face. It both frightens and soothes me... it must be a very powerful angel. The aura around it teems with an eerie light, which casts it into shadow when viewed from head on, so one can't tell many details. It never speaks to me, the angel... but I feel its powerful gaze in my dreams and know that it is protecting me in its own way. Calming me, with the same all-encompassing love Our Lord shows all His children. Is not our God an awesome God?

I will more than likely be updating shortly with more details on my current campaign trail plans sometime this week. Stay tuned, folks, and have a blessed day.

- R. S. Pinne, US Senator






    1. Hey, "YOULIE"x11"YOU", Lay off the poor man. The Corinthian has troubling him enough when he's asleep, he doesn't need you messing about. Fears, always inconsiderate.

      I'm afraid to say this sir (as i am as well a religous man of your faith with i assume is Christianity), but that BLASPHEMY is not God or one of his angels but an Abomination of death. Most (by that I mean runners, those who run form such things [you should really pass a law to help them].) call it the Archangel. It has other name, Hades for example. Doubt me? What did it look like? That is very important. Actual angels appear in common forms, according to the scripture.

      I return the blessing (even if you are lying to us)
      ~Dante Roan

      P.S. That multi-eyed canine? That was The Corinthian, not a blaspheme, but annoying. it usually acts as a herald of other monsters to come, in the form of dreams.

    2. Mr. Roan,

      I believe now would be a good time to follow that internet adage, "don't feed the troll".

      I have seen the angel in my dreams a few more times now, and I can give a bit more of a detailed response. It got closer this time, though it still did not speak to me. It was incredibly tall, perhaps eight feet or more, and impossibly thin. Imagine a human-like tree of some sort with huge, ashy-grey wings, and you're fairly close. The wings make no sound at all when they move. It is bald, with bone white skin and large hands with long fingers, and it wears a black robe with reddish accents... the mask is much like a full-face white mask one would purchase from a Halloween store, but clearly made of porcelain. The mask's facial features include eyes, a nose, and lips, however the eyes are carved into the porcelain - there are no holes from which to see out of. That is all I could ascertain.

      As for law-making, rest assured I am constantly working towards this nation's best interests. You may be interested to note that a recent bill concerning religious freedom has been proposed in the house. Assuming it passes the House I will be more than pleased to sign it, ensuring that every business-owner in this great nation has the right to stand up for their religious beliefs in deciding whom to serve. Additionally I have been continuously working to ensure the success of local businesses in my home state and elsewhere, as I am committed to America's small businesses and their growth.

      - R. S. Pinne

    3. Your dreams, Senator, are very important. As we all know, our conscious is but the tip of the iceberg, and the subconscious is all that lies beneath the surface of the murky waters. Now, I'm a man... of some... influence. And from what I've read, whether you'd like to admit it or not, you've a few problems regarding- what was it?- your candidacy. You may contact me privately should you wish to... discuss... terms and conditions. Nothing too pricey, I assure you.
